Direct savings

The national certificate, citizen certificate, linked to the mobile wallet may enable society to achieve savings in several different ways:

  1. Improving the efficiency of public sector services:
    Strong electronic identification expedites and simplifies the use of public services, such as healthcare, tax administration, and social services. This reduces congestion at service points and administrative costs.
  2. Reducing the cost of frauds and misuse:
    A citizen certificate that works on mobile devices increases security and reduces the risk of identity theft and fraud, in turn reducing the costs arising from them in the public sector and the private sector alike.
  3. Saving time and resources:
    Citizens can save time when they can securely and seamlessly manage official business on a mobile device. This increases general efficiency and reduces the need for using physical services which, in turn, releases resources for other needs and reduces, for example, travel costs.
  4. Improved identity management:
    A secure certificate makes it possible to access several services, which decreases the need for managing different IDs and systems and enables savings on IT infrastructure and maintenance.

Digital First (Digi ensin) program

Impacts and benefits
In the estimate of the Ministry of Finance, the targeted annual direct savings arising from the switch to digital official communications for the public administration organizations at the core of the productivity program, i.e., the central government and Kela, would amount to approximately EUR 36 million in total once the reform enters into force. In terms of the public administration at large, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency estimates that the annual savings would amount to approximately EUR 12 million for the wellbeing services counties and approximately EUR 10 million for municipalities. With regard to public administration as a whole, the targeted total annual savings will amount to approximately EUR 58.8 million once the reform enters into force.

McKinsey Global Institute – Digital identification: A key to inclusive growth

Executive Summary – April 2019
For emerging economies, while the share of the economy that digital ID can address tends to be modest, scope for improvement can be sizable, leading to average potential per-country benefit of roughly 6 percent of GDP in 2030.Much of this value could be captured through digital ID with authentication alone. For mature economies, many processes are already digital, so the potential for improvement is more limited and largely requires digital ID programs that enable additional data-sharing features. Average per-country benefit of 3 percent could be possible, assuming high usage rates.

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